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Spiral Through by Underwater Father

Opening my emails while bleary eyes this morning, I had discovered that I had been sent an advanced copy of a single called Spiral Through from a new band out of Finland, Underwater Father.

As is my way with these situations, I planned to wait a few hours until I was fully awake and with it to give it a few spins and decide whether or not I liked it, but for some reason – as I sat there, scrambling for cigarettes and cursing the lack of caffeine in the house – a little voice kept whispering in my head;

“Dude… play the fucking song.”

Against my better judgement I decide to not ignore the words buzzing around my head – something I have done since the terrible mongoose incident of 1998, but that’s an entirely different story – and cranked up the headphones before hitting play.

Five minutes later I wondered why I didn’t start every day like this, because not only did Spiral Through blow the fucking cobwebs out of my mind, it burnt down the house on its way out the door.

This is the kind of Black Metal that grabs you by the collar and shakes the shit out of you. It is crushingly heavy, mixing black and death metal into one beautiful cacophony of unrelenting brilliance. The guitars are as heavy as lead boots, the rhythm section seeks to destroy in a blitzkrieg attack, and the vocals are so throat shredding that I’ll be surprised if Samu Haatainen could eat anytiing but soup for weeks after recording this.

Spiral Through by Underwater Father is a hell of a debut single and if it is anything to go by then when their debut EP, Without Waves, eventually drops, it should establish Underwater Father as a force to be reckoned with in the Extreme Metal genre.

You can listen to Spiral Through by Underwater Father by clicking here and check out the YouTube here.

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