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Hungering Cold by Myrlik

Greetings, black metal devotees. This is Sean from Black Metal Archives, and today, we’re descending into the icy depths of Hungering Cold, the latest EP from Myrlik. A release that captures the frostbitten essence of black metal, with a modern take on classic death metal, this EP delivers five tracks of raw, atmospheric intensity. This album is available on Spotify, but beyond that, little is known about the band, so, let’s dive into its chilling soundscape.

From the very first moments of Hungering Cold, Myrlik constructs an unforgiving and bleak sonic world. The production strikes a balance between lo-fi rawness and clarity, allowing each instrument to breathe while still enveloping the listener in a cold, cavernous atmosphere. The guitars carve through the mix with tremolo-driven melodies, while the bass hums ominously beneath, giving the tracks a sense of depth and weight.

Percussion is relentless, shifting between precise blast beats and slower, more methodical rhythms that accentuate the EP’s dynamic nature. Vocally, Myrlik employs a mix of tortured shrieks and guttural roars, driving home the themes of desolation, ancient mysticism, and winter’s unyielding grasp.

Let’s look at the tracks:

  • Intro” – We’re immediately introduced to an intro track that provides nothing but a haunting atmosphere of sound as if we’re now trapped below the surface, in a bleak sewer system, unable to escape.
  • Hungering Cold – The title track opens the EP with an evil tremolo-picked riff, immediately setting the tone. The drums erupt into a groovy two-step, but the atmosphere soon thickens, and the track breaks into unforgiving blasts, leading deeper into a hypnotic journey.
  • Trollbundet – One of the most atmospheric moments on the EP, Trollbundet slows things down with eerie, melancholic guitar passages before building into a full-on sonic storm. The contrast between haunting melody and sheer aggression makes this track stand out.
  • Throne – Provides a familiar death metal feeling with this guitar riff, it is a furious display of Myrlik’s songwriting prowess. The tempo shifts from rapid-fire aggression drumming to mid-paced, ritualistic doom mixed with tremolo guitar riffing, leaving the listener with an overwhelming sense of bleak finality.
  • Skævmann” – Wrapping up the album but it doesn’t let up, this track is a pure sonic assault of the senses. Providing the listener with classic death metal feels while mixing in modern black metal to really bring out a unique sound.

With Hungering Cold, Myrlik delivers a concise but powerful statement. The EP captures the spirit of classic black metal while injecting classic death metal, all with a modern atmosphere and composition. For fans of icy, immersive black metal with clarity as if they’re listening to a classic death metal album, this is an essential listen, as mentioned it really brings a unique sound to the genre. This album is available on Spotify for your listening pleasure!

Let me know what you think in the comments, and don’t forget to like for more deep dives into the abyss of black metal.

Until next time, hail the darkness!

Black Metal Archives

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