Born Enslaved by Cipo Fogo is an angry record made by angry men for an angry time. It is a take no prisoners kind of record, that mixes together everything from Groove Metal to Black Metal, so its message of the hoplessness the common man and woman faces on a day to day basis is reflected in the dark riffs and terrifying blast beats that fill the five tracks on offer. It is bleak, it is violent, it is as nilhistic as it comes, and it is fucking awesome.
Opening track, Born Enslaved, grabs a decent groove and holds onto it for the less than three minute duration of the song, but it never feels as if it is repetitive, because you are to slamming off the furniture to notice. And if Born Enslaved sets the tone for this record then Disoptia plugs it into the electrical mains, cranks the motherfucker up to eleven, and proceeds to set the rest of the city on fucking fire.
Call it what you want. Black Metal. Blackened Death Metal. Death Thrash Metal. I don’t care. What I call it is fucking epic, with skin shredding riffs and blast beats that will pin you to your fucking seat and beat you around the head like your an unwanted step child. It is fucking brutal and a glorious triumph, condensed into just over three minutes and twenty seconds.
Next up is Made of Stars, a song so doom laden that it would make a roomful of goths smile – and contains the brilliant lyric ‘We are made of stars, you racist motherfucker…’ – which is followed by Pequenas Opresiones Diarias which has some fantastic double bass drum work and riffs heavy enough to crush a herd of elephants, and finally Fail, which is so Punk Rock that I’m surprised that it doesn’t come with a safety pin jammed through its nose.
It’s not easy to take on so many different genres at the best of times, and it’s rarely heard of for a band to do it across five songs on the same EP, but with Born Enslaved, Cipo Fogo manage to do it with ease and manage to do it perfectly.