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III by Galvornhathol

III is the appropriately named third album from German post-black metal artist Galvornhathol whose astral journey takes us to the depths of desolation. Through the nearly forty-minute run time, we explore the poetry of C who seeks to give us a glimpse of his philosophy. This is all against the celestial soundscape that takes influence from post-rock, cosmic black metal, and atmospheric ambient. This would be an easy recommendation for fans of bands such as Deafheaven who are open to the most experimental side of the black metal spectrum.

Voids, our opener here, starts melodically before kicking into a steady driving rhythm. The pattern mimics a heartbeat that deeply resonates in one’s chest. C, our instrumentalist and vocalist, has one of the most unique voices I’ve heard as of late in the entirety of the genre. He switches between a near spoken word to harsh growls and further to hellish shrieks. His range is one of the things that makes this album stand out amongst a long series of others..

Sternentanz is also where the tonal shift shines as the perfect complement to the post-rock direction of the strumming. There is an aptitude here for knowing the correct placement of instrumentals with the screams to create a unique listening experience.

Neptun mellows us out with an atmospheric soundscape and clean vocals before the inevitable break. The passion behind this particular track is what sells the sincerity. I am particularly a fan of how well the gutturals contrast against the beginning melodies.

Laniakae is the strongest deviation from the overall album but, in a pleasantly surprising way. The structure is more prog and focused on the instrumentals which works to its benefit as here they are also the strongest.

Closing track Asymptote is also a suitable ending, turning to a more cosmic perspective. The spoken word in German is also impactful and ties together the theme well.

Galvornhathol’s III will be released on March 21st and is available for pre-order on their Bandcamp. Please go support this cosmic sonic journey and let us know what you think of the currently announced tracks. Until then, per aspera ad astra.

Black Metal Archives

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