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Votum Silentii by Aeonist

Welcome back my fellow black metal fanatics! Sean here from the Black Metal Archives, bringing you a deep dive into an atmospheric black metal gem that emerged in 2024. Today, we turn our attention to Votum Silentii, the debut full-length from Slovenia’s Aeonist. This release, crafted by the sole visionary behind the project, Tilen Šimon, carves out a haunting space in the genre, blending melancholic atmospheres with classical influences. While Aeonist has since followed up with a 2025 EP, Deus Vult, our focus today remains on the masterful Votum Silentii.

From the first moments of Votum Silentii, it’s clear that Aeonist is not interested in mere aggression—this is black metal steeped in grandeur and solitude. The album weaves together expansive, cinematic soundscapes with the raw, desolate textures that define the genre.

The production strikes a delicate balance, maintaining the genre’s cold, atmospheric essence while allowing each layer to breathe. There’s a sense of space in the mix—guitars shimmering like distant stars, synths swelling like an oncoming storm, and vocals emerging like spectral whispers carried on the wind. Tilen Šimon’s multi-instrumental approach shines here, evoking a sound reminiscent of Summoning’s grandeur while retaining an identity all its own.

The album is composed of three sprawling tracks, each its own journey into the abyss.

Saeculorum opens the album with a slow-burning ascension. Ethereal ambient textures lay the foundation before melancholic tremolo-picked melodies take hold. The layering of guitars is hypnotic, weaving a tapestry of sorrow, while the distant, reverb-drenched vocals feel like an incantation lost to the void. As the track progresses, acoustic interludes punctuate the aggression, creating a balance of light and shadow that defines Aeonist’s sound.

Oremus is the album’s longest composition, spanning over 12 minutes. Here, the classical influences come to the forefront, with synth-driven passages that feel almost sacred in their grandeur. The contrast between the blistering black metal sections and the sweeping, cinematic breaks adds a dynamic that keeps the listener entranced. The drumming is particularly impressive, moving seamlessly from pummeling blasts to ritualistic, tribal rhythms that reinforce the album’s otherworldly atmosphere.

Finally, Votum Silentii, the title track, encapsulates everything Aeonist aims to achieve. The opening is meditative, with clean guitars and subtle orchestration leading into a wave of melancholic tremolo riffs. The track builds to a climax of soaring melodies and haunting choral synths, leaving the listener with a profound sense of finality.

While Aeonist’s roots lie firmly in atmospheric black metal, Votum Silentii reaches beyond the genre’s conventional tropes. The use of dungeon synth elements, neoclassical influences, and expansive song structures places the project alongside acts like Caladan Brood and Midnight Odyssey. Yet, there is an undeniable rawness that grounds the music, keeping it tethered to the traditional black metal spirit.

This is an album for those who seek more than mere sonic violence—it is for those who crave immersion, who want to be transported to windswept ruins and forgotten cathedrals. The thematic focus on silence, reverence, and introspection aligns Aeonist with the more meditative side of black metal, offering a listening experience that is as contemplative as it is haunting.

With Votum Silentii, Aeonist has crafted a debut that is both majestic and mournful, a sweeping ode to solitude and the passage of time. While the project has since released Deus Vult in 2025, this album remains a defining statement, showcasing an artist with a clear vision and the skill to execute it flawlessly. If you are a fan of immersive, atmospheric black metal that balances ferocity with grandeur, then Votum Silentii is essential listening.

The full album is available on Bandcamp—do yourself a favor and let it envelop you in its cold embrace!

Until next time, keep the black flame alive!

Black Metal Archives

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