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Convulsing Above the Ground – Cryptual

Convulsing Above the Ground is the latest release from Milwaukee-based band Cryptual which delivers with all the force of a hammer straight against one’s temple. In the best way possible, of course. With fast riffs, gravelly vocals, and unyielding drums, this record has all the components of a fantastic death metal entry. This is their first full-length release following EP The Tombs of Misery from 2019 and expands upon their already brutal discography.

In an effort not to spoil what this album offers, I’ll be focusing on the three tracks that most caught my attention. Starting with Muted Liturgy, my personal favorite, the highlight of this track is the drumming from Brad O‘Malley. It adds a certain brightness to the overall tone but, more in the way a splash of blood colors a slasher killer‘s crime scene. Gruesome yet still incredibly technically sound.

Self Inflicted shines amongst the other tracks in a way that makes it clear why this was chosen as a single. The ferocity is fun, plain and simple. Vocalist Jason Ellis here shows a bit more range in what could best be described as a cry straight from the depths of Hell. Added against the background of thrashy guitars and powerful drumming it is something to grab one’s attention in the middle of the album.

Closing track Thrall is arguably the most chaotic of the bunch, starting hot and heavy. It sticks to the signature style one has come to expect without falling into the pitfall of repetition. It gives us something to take with us throughout the drudgery of our lives and builds a fire in the pit of our bowels. To reference the quote underneath their Bandcamp: believe in nothing but yourself. Solid advice from a solid album.

Please go support Cryptual’s album Convulsing Above the Ground over on Bandcamp, tell us what you thought of their release, and feel free to support our team of writers here over at Black Metal Archives as well. Until next time, hails or something.

Black Metal Archives

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