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A Collection Of Despair by Like Sorrow

Hello! Vanessa here, back with a new review! Today I want to talk about a release of a project that I’ve been following for quite some time already, Like Sorrow.

Like Sorrow is a solo project by Marc Williams from Austin, TX. Known for a depressing and cold sound, Like Sorrow is a great example of Depressive Black Metal with a (sometimes) harder edge and lots of atmosphere. This review focuses on the compilation A Collection Of Despair, which was released on January 22nd. It combines all releases between 2023 and 2024.

So without further ado, let’s dive into the music!

As I already mentioned before, this project has a really beautiful and atmospheric sound. A Long Walk Into My Hell, the first song, starts directly into a beautiful melodic riff and contains its melancholy throughout.
A Ghoul In The Midst continues this melodic and depressive feeling. The melodies are absolutely beautiful! I especially want to point out the chorus here. One of my highlights!

Lost In The Tall Pines features some of my favourite lyrics from this release. Music wise, in my opinion, this song is a prime example of Depressive Black Metal. From The Woods She Appeared was the original closing track from the EP Realm of Despair. Again, the melodies are really captivating and I can’t help to be mesmerised by the beautiful chorus.

The next song, The Beast Sleeps, continues to enchant with its atmosphere while Like Moths To A Flame features another great set of lyrics. It’s a faster song, yet it still has a dense atmosphere!

The Forever Rest contains some clean guitar parts. Another thing I enjoy are the layered screams. My Throne To Hell is a heavier song again and also the newest. The changing time signatures are nice!
This brings the album to an end.

Despite everything was released over a timespan of a year and the production differs between the individual (original) releases, it sounds cohesive! That means: Like Sorrow has a distinctive sound, a sound that I like!

This is heartfelt music to listen to when you’re sad or lonely with beautiful melodies throughout.

With a new single already announced, I am really looking forward to the future of Like Sorrow! So if you want to check it out, you can find it on Bandcamp!

Black Metal Archives

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