You are currently viewing Indulge the Bulge by Trash Prince Records

Indulge the Bulge by Trash Prince Records

Alright, alright, settle down. Look, this isn’t going to be for everyone. Hell it might not be for ANYONE, but I found it funny as fuck, so that’s why it’s on here, and if you don’t have even the slightest smidgen of that in your soul then stop reading this review and go do something else inside.

They gone? Good.

As for you sick, childish fucks that stuck around, allow me to introduce you to Indulge the Bulge, the best worst cock rock song you’ll hear, with lyrics such as “excessive rigidity can’t stop the indulgence, we live by the scrotal code” and “scolding hot, genitals throb, you’ll be mesmerized, the size and girth will shake the earth, you’d better hold on tight”, all sung along to a late 80s Glam Metal band going through their edgy phaze music that is so cheesy that you’d think they were the second coming of RATT.

This is a track with it tongue so firmly wedged in its cheek that it’s threatening to burst out the other side. This is so Spinal Tap that I was waiting for a knock at ny front doot and a tiny Stonehenge and a group of fucking dwarfs to be outside. This is what happens when a few mates get together, get drunk as balls, and decide that Motley Crue needs the piss taken out of them.

Is it purile? Hell yes. Is it childish? Damn straight? Do I care? Not one tiny bit.

If anyone takes this seriously then they need to have a sense of humour pumped into them at their earliest possible convenience and I may I suggest that they use The Bulge to perform that operation.

If you want to Indulge the Bulge then you can head on over to the Trash Prince Records Bandcamp to get your hands on it… see? Purile is funny.

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