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Cinnamon Moon by SVNTH

Cinnamon Moon by SVNTH is five minutes plus of pure experimental bliss. The lead single off the bands forthcoming album, Pink Noise Youth, is a whirling dervish of a track. A wall of guitar noise that is punctuated by driving bass lines and drumming that seems to march to its own beat.

As someone who can play the skins – and by play, I mean twat the hell out of them like Animal from The Muppets if he was drunk off his ass – my ears always prick up when I here a drummer at the top of their game, and Alessandro Canzoneri is just that. Here is a drummer who knows when to cut loose – which on Cinnamon Moon is from the word go – and when to reign it in and let the natural beat of the song take over. And alongside Rodolfo Ciuffo – SYNTH defacto leader, bassist, singer, and all around song writer – he forms one of the tightest rhythm sections around at the moment.

Jacopo Fagiolo and Alessandro De Falco handle guitar duties, and lay down some majestic riffs and chords that slip seamlessly between hauntingly dreamlike and horrifically nightmarish in the blink of an eye, and if I didn’t know better I would swear the run that opens Cinnamon Moon is a homage to Mayhem’s classic, Freezing Moon.

Valerio Primo rounds out the SVNTH line up, bringing percussion and samples into the mix, allowing Cinnamon Moon to feel massive in scale, and there is never anything wrong with a band who feels as if they could blow the windows out of a Cathedral if they ever played inside one.

Cinnamon Moon is a fantastic single and not only sets up Punk Noise Youth as an upcoming album you should have on your radar, but will have you virtually salavating at the prospect of its April 18th release date.

Call it Black Gaze, call it Post Hardcore, call it your Great Aunt Gertrude for all I fucking care. I call it fucking proper. Banging fucking record.

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