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Blood Bound by Sin Of God

The upcoming Blood Bound by Sin of God is the fourth full release from the Hungarian Extreme Metal monsters and it is the best record they have ever fucking made.

It is as brutal as having a stream roller run over you, slowly crushing every bone and muscle inside your body. It’s as vicious as being dressed in a meat suit while a pack of hungry, rabid dogs are set upon you. And it’s as heavy as having concrete poured down your throat, before your corpse is thrown into the deep, dark sea. It is, quite frankly, fucking brilliant.

Across seven tracks, Sin of God bludgeon you until you are nothing more than a bloody mush on the floor with vicious riffs that tear and rip at your flesh like barbed hooks, blast beat drumming that is so searing it’s like staring directly into the sun, and some other worldly gutteral noises that makes you think Cthulhu himself is rising from the depths to drive the entire world to the brink of madness.

From the opening track, Blood Bound, to the final vicious assault on the senses, Cerebral Malfunction, Sin of God don’t let up for one second. Sure, there are moments where the pace seems to drop, but that is just to lull you into a false sense of security before it returns to kicking your teeth down your throat. Diabolical Agitation is a perfect example of this.

After four tracks of nuclear bombs being dropped on your head, Diabolical Agitation seems to flip everything on its head. Oh sure, it’s heavy as fuck but it is done at a much slower tempo. That is, right up until the drummer seems to get bored and throws in some insanity that the rest of the band pick up on and decide to use to beat the shit out of the end of the track with.

Let’s face it, Sin of God don’t fuck about and if you’re coming to Blood Bound expecting anything other than the most extreme of metal, then you’re gonna have a bad time and don’t let the door hit you on the way out.

Blood Bound is a statement that Sin of God are making a claim for the Extreme Metal throne, and on the strength of this, it’s hard to see how anyone could possibly stop them.

Blood Bound by Sin of God is due out on February 18, 2025, and is available for physical pre-order and digital pre-save here as well as via the Sin of God Bandcamp page.

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