Hello! Vanessa here and this is me making a debut to Black Metal Archives.
If there’s one thing that amazes me about today’s Black Metal community, it’s the amount of great anti-fascist projects out there. Damhnait is one of them and Dan, the person behind it, is really one of the nicest.
With Verse (Remediated), Damhnait presents us his first released track (originally found on the EP Laughter) in a remixed and remastered form and was released last year on the Spring Equinox compilation by Forest Summoner.
This song has a nice classic Black Metal vibe, which I really like and enjoy. It immediately starts off with blast beats over a nice guitar riff, which recurs throughout the song. The distorted screams, while maybe a tad too loud, have lots of aggression and sound as sharp as a razorblade. With this being an older song, you can definitely hear the direction Damhnait would take from there.
I really think this new mix gives this song the ability to shine. It retains the raw energy of the original version, while also having a much clearer sound overall.
Head on over to the Damhnait Bandcamp page and check it out for yourself.