What do you get when hard rock meets heavy metal, has a threesome with goth rock, and runs off to join an orchestra comprised of the undead? The answer is, DarkFlow.
This band of misfits was formed in Switzerland in 2019 and I’m kind of pissed at myself that I was today old before I knew they exsisted, because on the strength of their newest single, Eerily Fading Away, because this sort of music is not only right up my alley, it’s let itself in through the front door and is currently rifling through my fridge, helping itself to my left over take out and drinking my beer.
I love grandiose music. I make no bones about it. It’s part of the reason that Extreme Metal has always appealed to me. And though DarkFlow are far from an Extreme Metal act, they still appeal to my sense of the macabre and theatrically.
Electric acoustic guitars weave their way around each other like spectres caught in an eternal embrace, while the drumming tolls a telling bell for the damned to follow. Voices sing a haunting refrain, punctuated by ungodly growls, as a symphony of strings swell like a tempest, dragging you deep into their icy black depths.
This is the soul of Eerily Fading Away, and Eerily Fading Away is both beautiful and horrifying in equal measures, and I love that.
Having never experienced DarkFlow before I can tell you this is the perfect place to start, as I fully plan to go back through their discography the moment this review has been published to see whatever hidden gems or terror they have locked inside their decaying crypt.
I am a full convert to the DarkFlow cause, and if you would like to experience the pure shock of having your genitals attached to a car battery, then you can head on over to the DarkFlow Bandcamp page and check them out for yourself.