Satiricus Doomicus Americus is the side project of Christopher Thomas Elliott, the mad scientist behind the sensational Buzzard and the inventor – yeah, I said it – of doom folk, and it is as brilliant as everything else this crazy bastard turns his hand to.
I am a huge Buzzard fan and fell in love with the first album within about a minjte of listening to it and, quite frankly, Satiricus Doomicus Americus beat Buzzard to the punch as it only took the movie sample, the dirty drums, and the filthy fuzz guitar of the opening track, itself called Satiricus Doomicus Americus, to sweep me off my feet like a giddy school girl.
Yeah, this fucking record is that fucking good.
It is laced with dialogue clips throughout, but doesn’t flood the experience with them, allowing Mr. Elliott to do what he does best and that is to weave soundscapes that are sweeping and majestic in scope, as well as hauntingly beautifu, as he takes into his musical home every kind of genre that he can.
This is so steeped in Americana that Satiricus Doomicus Americus should have the red, white, and blue stapled to its chest. As long as that red, white, and blue is on fire, as Satiricus Doomicus Americus is a biting satire on everything that is not only wrong with his home country, but with every country in the world.
He doesn’t hold back, lambasting everyone from the rich to the poor, from religion to war, everything is on the table here, and with tracks like Nice Little Annihilation Song, Too Many Humans, and Shuffle of The Dead, Satiricus Doomicus Americus is quite happy to expose the utter stupidity of the hunam race and I am all fucking for it.
Musically, this is as good as you would expect it to be if you have any knowledge of Buzzard, and if you don’t then you really need to buy that album as well, but it’s lyrically that Satiricus Doomicus Americus and Christopher Thomas Elliott excel, with a sharp pen and an even sharper tongue this record stands head and shoulders above anything else you care to mention.
I’m a sucker for words, have been for as long as I can remember, and I honestly believe that it is a dying art. Good lyrics are hard too find and great lyrics are damn near impossible, but here on Satiricus Doomicus Americus – as well as on the Buzzard album – Christopher Thomas Elliott proves that he is the leading light when it comes to spreading the good word of the word to the world.
Try saying that fast, five times.
Head on over to the Buzzard Bandcamp Page and check out the brilliance of Satiricus Doomicus Americus for yourself.