Wanion have returned and started off 2025 with their new single, At The Speed of Death, which is a hell of a curve ball.
If you are a regular reader of this site, you may recall that I reviewed Age of Rot by Wanion, and said about it that;
It doesn’t fuck about, it sets out its stall nice and early. This is black metal and this is going to be as brutal a jacked up Rhino on a rutting campaign and faster than a rabbit on amphetamine. It’s also going to have more twists and turns along the way than a bobsled run, and it will embrace its influences and wear them on its sleeve for the world to see.
So you can imagine my surprise when I put on At The Speed of Death and discovered that it, and it’s partner in crime Pieces of Your Soul, see Wanion take a more slowed down, heavy approach instead of balls to the wall Black Metal.
Don’t get me wrong, there are elements of old school Black Metal lurking around here, such as the blast beat that drives some of Pieces of Your Soul, but truth be told, this is a darker, broodier version of Wanion than the one that appeared on Age of Rot.
And I really like it.
This might have something to do with both tracks on offer here reminding me of Motorhead around the Orgasmatron era, which isn’t a bad thing as I fucking love Motorhead. Both songs have that driving feel that Orgasmatron captured, the constant pounding of a rhythm that threatened to cave your skull in, though I will say that Wanion offers a much dirtier, bleaker sound than Lemmy and co. did.
At The Speed of Death is a plodding, almost miltary march, with some superb drumming that keeps everything in step as the guitars and vocals lay siege to your earholes, while Pieces of Your Soul sounds like it is stepping back into the Black Metal realm, only to change it up on you with meaty riffs so big that they should be checked for steroid abuse, while the demon voice from hells deepest pit growls up from the depths, intent on feasting on the bits of your spirit it can bite off with its teeth.
If At The Speed of Death and Pieces of Your Soul is a statement of intent from Wanion, then this band should be on everyone’s watch list going forward as I predicate that they are about to step out from the crowd and show that they are real contenders in the underground metal scene.
Head on over to Wanion Bandcamp page and check out At The Speed of Death for yourself.