You are currently viewing New Bermuda by Deafheaven

New Bermuda by Deafheaven

Hello my fellow blackmetal-heads! Sean here, and do I have a new review for you.  Today, we’re diving headfirst into the cosmic void of black metal with the band Deafheaven.

If you’re searching for an experience that captures the eerie beauty of the genre with a raw, unrelenting edge, then Deafheaven is your perfect guide. So, grab your corpse paint, strap in, and let’s take a ride through their dark and powerful soundscapes!

First things first, let’s talk about their sound. Deafheaven masterfully blends the ferocious intensity of black metal with an atmospheric depth that’ll pull you under and leave you gasping for air. Their style has the same expansive, almost celestial quality that fans of Deafheaven might recognize, but with an added layer of aggression that drags you through the dirt, reminding you that even the most beautiful darkness can still bite.

If Deafheaven takes you on a ride to the stars, they also show you that those stars are burning, and the abyss is just a step away. The music is never just noise, it’s an emotional and sonic experience that grips you with its precision and ferocity. Carrying you to places that are both haunting and mesmerizing, giving you that bittersweet taste of darkness that feels strangely exhilarating.

Now, let’s get personal. My absolute favorite from Deafheaven is New Bermuda. This album is black metal done right. It’s the perfect balance of atmosphere and intensity. From the moment the album starts, you’re plunged into a world of ominous sound that draws you in with its eerie beauty. The melodies are hauntingly graceful, while the riffs hit you like a tidal wave of raw energy. Every track on New Bermuda feels like an emotional journey, taking you through moments of desolation and, just when you think it’s all over, offering glimpses of light in the darkness.

What truly stands out is the pacing of the album. It starts with these slow, brooding passages that build anticipation, only to suddenly explode into fast, blast-beat fury that leaves you breathless. The way Deafheaven balances delicate atmosphere with all-out aggression is a masterclass in black metal craftsmanship. It’s chaos, but it’s also stunningly beautiful, a delicate dance between dark and light, destruction and creation.

And let’s not stop at New Bermuda. Deafheaven’s entire discography is a testament to their evolution within the black metal genre. They continue to refine and expand their sound while remaining true to the essence of what makes black metal so compelling. Darkness, intensity, and that ever-present sense of journey. Each album brings something fresh, yet they never stray too far from their roots. They’re not afraid to take risks and explore new dimensions, and that’s what keeps their music exciting and relevant.

So, where do Deafheaven fit into the larger black metal scene? For me, they’re a force to be reckoned with. While they certainly embrace the grimness and aggression that black metal is known for, they also introduce a unique level of atmospheric depth and emotion. Deafheaven fits perfectly within the genre, but their sound stands out as something special – a blend of beauty and brutality that few can match.

In conclusion, Deafheaven are the real deal. If you’re a fan of black metal – or even if you’re just dipping your toes into the genre – their music is an absolute must-listen. And if you haven’t yet experienced New Bermuda, I urge youto hit play, close your eyes, and let the darkness envelop you. Trust me, it’ll be an unforgettable ride.

Head on over to the Deafheaven Bandcamp page to check them put for yourself.


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