I have been lucky enough to have an advanced copy of Spectrum by Am I in Trouble? for a couple of weeks now and, I kid you not, when I say that before 2024 had turned into 2025, I already knew that it was, and is, going to take something spectacular to dethrone this as the BMA album of the year. It is that good. Hell, let’s face facts folks, this album is fucking perfect in every single way.
Having already reviewed the three tracks on offer as pre-orders, and being so blown away by them that I was making references to Steve Wiener being the Black Metal version of George Clinton, I can safely say, with my hand on my heart, that the remaining tracks from Spectrum not only fulfill the promises of their brethren but surpass even my high expectations.
Nothing on this record is wasted. Every note is exceptionally crafted, every sweeping choral vocal swell that counterpoints each death metal grunt and black metal screech so expertly layered, every roaring guitar that sweeps across some achingly haunting acoustic work so breathtakingly beautiful, that it’s hard to believe that all this wonderful madness is the work of one man.
I’ve always said that a one-man band can be a dangerous tightrope to walk, as there’s always the chance that ego overrides common sense, but not only does Spectrum not suffer from any of that, Steve Wiener in his Am I in Trouble? guise nails the fucking landing.
Steve Wiener has said that he views this album as a journey through the emotional spectrum, with each color on offer bringing something different to the table, and that’s what he has managed to achieve. Spectrum is a roller coaster ride through the recesses of your soul that just so happens to be fuelled by some of the greatest metals of all time.
This isn’t hyperbole either. The music on offer is on another level and raises the stakes when it comes to the underground movement. It lays down a marker to the other bands – as unintentional as it may be – that challenges them to up their game or be left behind.
Spectrum by Am I in Trouble? is simply that fucking good.
Head on over to the Am I in Trouble? Bandcamp Page and grab yourself a copy of the front runner – by a country mile – for 2025’s album of the year.