Having been introduced to Dread Majesty through their spectacular All The Saints Are Dead release, a single I was thoroughly impressed with, when news reached me that their follow up, Your Time Has Come, was now available, I scurred as fast as my little fingers could type to Bandcamp to check it out, and as I suspected, it’s a fucking banger of biblical proportions.
This time out Dread Majesty takes on the subject of the police abusing their power, and whereas this could be a slippery slope for some lesser bands – quite frankly, Bodycount’s No Lives Matter made every other song on the subject obsolete – Dread Majesty not only deal with the subject at hand with some intelligent and cleverly written lyrics, but the music that accompanies it is beyond anything else you are likely to hear for a very long time.
I’ve already raved about how brilliant I think Dread Majesty are in this department. In fact, during my review of All The Saints Are Dead I said that Dread Majesty gorges themselves;
…on so many different styles and genres that I’m surprised it doesn’t explode due to its Baccanahlian excesses.
And I stand by that statement.
I cannot emphasise just how difficult it is for a band, any band, to take on so many different genres of metal at one time and not only make them a work so perfectly in unison, but to also be able to come out the other side of it with a sound that simply defies pigeon holing.
There is no genre or sub genre that you can assign Dread Majesty to as they don’t sound like anything I have ever heard before. I’ve always thought that the hardest path any band can tread is the one less trodden and finding a uniquely original sound is the true Holy Grail. Well, Dread Majesty has not only managed to do that, they’ve made it look easy.
Your Time Has Come is a fantastic seven minute storm of sensational metal that proves, at least as far as I’m concerened, that Dread Majesty are not only the real deal, but, arguably, the best new band around at the moment.
Head on over to the Dread Majesty Bandcamp page and check out Your Time Has Come for yourself.