Ok, let’s be honest here. If, like Tyrannus, you’re going to call your EP Tory Punching Music, then you’re already in my house, being offered a beer.
I fucking hate politics, all politics, so you’re always going to grab my attention with any title that I consider a call to arms for the proles to rise up and burn the whole fucking system down, but if you can then back it up with music that makes me want to break shit, then you’ve got me hooked.
Fortunately, Tyrannus manage to do that across eight minutes of varied but anarchic blackend metal that isn’t afraid to explore jungle beats along the way.
Imagine The Prodigy and Mayhem having a drunken jam together and you’re in the right neighbourhood.
I love how Callum John Cant takes on guitar and bass duties while screaming like a strangled cat on vocals. I love Alasdair Dunn’s drum programming on Bricks and Flesh and how fucking insane it is. And I love how Magicide seems to be this crazed svengali, hiding in the shadows, pouring over each detail before unleashing Tory Punching Music onto the world.
I just really, really like this EP and it makes me want to burn something.
If you want to experience the sudden urge of pyromania, the head on over to Tyrannus Bandcamp page and buy yourself a copy of Tory Punching Music for less than a bag of crisps.