You are currently viewing The Estrogenesis Initiative: Althaea and Synthia’s Quest For Romantic Vengeance Against a Vile Authority by Ruby Rockatansky

The Estrogenesis Initiative: Althaea and Synthia’s Quest For Romantic Vengeance Against a Vile Authority by Ruby Rockatansky

Concept albums are difficult to do because they require you to focus on a singular story while keeping the listener engaged both musically and lyrically. Sci-fi concept albums are even more difficult to do, because you’re really throwing your lot behind a niche that you have to know your shit in, or people are going to call you out within the opening 10 seconds. And extreme metal sci-fi concept albums are the most difficult to do because they require you to be able to cover those first two points to perfection while using the medium of extremely loud guitars, punishing rhythms, and tortured vocals to get your idea across. This is why they are very few and far between, and why even a simply good one is rarer than unicorn shit.

So, how in the blue hell does Ruby Rockatansky manage to drop a fucking masterpiece with The Estrogenesis Initiative: Althaea and Synthia’s Quest For Romantic Vengeance Against a Vile Authority so effortlessly, making the whole process seem as easy as opening a can of goddamn coke?

In just under an hour, Ruby Rockatansky tells the tale of our two heroes, Althaea and Synthia, as they flip the bird to the dreaded Authority and bring the bastards to their knees.

A concept album is only as good as its story and this? This is brilliant story telling of the highest order, keeping you gripped and invested in the two main characters as they run the gauntlet of trials and tribulations that befalls them, before their inevitable showdown with the man responsible for all the horror in their universe. All of which plays out against a backdrop of some of the best extreme metal I have ever heard in my life.

It is the perfect accompaniment for our heroes adventures and is angry, aggressive, experimental, overwhelming, it is every emotion you can, and you will, experience as the play unfolds. My words cannot do it justice, you need to go and listen to it for yourself.

It is very rarely that an album stops me in my tracks and makes me share it with the world before I’ve written a review on it, but this one did just that. I cannot praise this record highly enough. It is a fucking work of art that belongs in a museum, or at the very least your record collection, and someone needs to sign Ruby Rockatansky to a record deal as soon as fucking possible.

Hell, if I could afford to do it I’d start my own BMA label just too make sure this got into the stores and onto all the streaming platforms it needed to, because The Estrogenesis Initiative: Althaea and Synthia’s Quest For Romantic Vengeance Against a Vile Authority deserves to be fucking huge.

Head to the Ruby Rockatansky Bandcamp page and get yourself a copy of The Estrogenesis Initiative: Althaea and Synthia’s Quest For Romantic Vengeance Against a Vile Authority as soon as you can.

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