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Skin Crawler by Ireosis

Something of a rarity here on the Black Metal Archives as I think I’ve only covered on other YouTube video since I started doing this, but thaf alone should tell you just how impressed I am by Ireosis single, Skin Crawler.

It should also tell you not to expect this article to be my version of Homer’s Odyssey as there is only so much you can say about one track and the main thought I have about Skin Crawler by Ireosis is fucking brutal.

This is blackend death metal at its finest. It is dark, it is angry, it is relentless in its pursuit to cave your fucking face in, and it takes no prisoners as it does so and makes no excuses for what it is. Everything about Skin Crawler is the definition of pounding, violent metal.

The drums smash their way into your home, stick their feet on your table, and order themselves pizza, while the bass and guitars kick holes in your walls and help themselves to your beers. And on the top of all this Joel Henry Bulsara growls with such ferocity and devilish tones that you fully expect a demon to appear in the middle of your living room through the sound of his incantations.

Quite frankly, Skin Crawler is the musical definition of an occult home invasion.

I fucking love this track. I love the sound of it, the feel of it, I love how it genuinely makes your skin crawl through its menacing aura, and I love how Ireosis are so fucking good at what they do.

Head on over to Ireosis YouTube channel and check out Skin Crawler for yourself.

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