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Bury Me in Rainbow Flags by Transgressive

When I was first pointed in direction of Transgressive, via the brilliant Ashenheart who were plugging them on social media, I knew that Bury Me in Rainbow Flags was going to be good, I just didn’t expect it to be this good.




In fact, Bury Me in Rainbow Flags slaps so fucking hard that my great, great, greet grandchildren are going to be born with red welts on their faces.

Bury Me in Rainbows Flags is a monster of a two track single/EP, ahead of the new Transgressive album, Not Even Death is Scared, which is due for release in 2025, and it has everything I look for in statement music. Now, by statement music, what I mean is a band that have something to say outside of the usual ‘Yay! Satan!’ that a lot of groups fall back on when writing lyrics for their music, and trust me, brothers and sisters, Transgressive really do have a lot to say.

Extreme Transgression kicks things off and sets the Transgressive stall out early. A call to arms, for the workers to rise up and overthrow the bourgeois elite, preferably with the aid of very large guillotines.

Or maybe that’s just my interpretation?

While Bury Me in Rainbow Flags is a lyrical bitch slap to those who support causes when it suits them, but will turn a blind eye when the shit hits the fan, and considering that Transgressive are Arizona based, and a giant evil orange is about to take control of that entire country, this might come true a lot sooner than any of us realise.

Lyrically, Transgressive kick all the fucking ass, but brilliant lyrics a brilliant single/EP doen not make alone. Fortunately, Transgressive back up the words with blistering technically superior thrash/death metal of the highest order.

Everything on offer here works to perfection from the break neck drums, to the superb bass work of Leona Hayward, to the pounding rhythm guitar of Alicia Cordisco, and the way that her lead work weaves so seamlessly with that of Joshua Payne, all the way to the pure demon that seems to live in Bethany “Beef” Pitts throat, there is nothing, and I mean nothing, about Bury Me in Rainbow Flags and Transgressive that shouldn’t have you banging your head like a fucking lunatic until you give yourself fucking whiplash.

This is thrash, this is death, this is metal of the highest fucking order.

Head on over to the Transgressive Bandcamp Page and get Bury Me in Rainbow Flags for yourself.

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