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Fathomless by Fathomless

Transparency time. I have been procrastinating over writing this piece on Fathomless’ debut effort because I wasn’t sure how to approach it other than just writing;

‘Look, just go check it out for yourself.’

This is in no way a slight on Fathomless by Fathomless, but instead of me not being sure in my ability to get across to you just how different and unique a record I consider it to be.

This is all down to Tyler Blake – the crazy bastard responsible for Fathomless – and his grand plan for what unfolds over the the eight track, forty-one minute run time on offer.

The blurb on Fathomless’ Bandcamp Page reads as follows;

The debut album from Fathomless was written as one continuous composition exploring black metal’s many facets while drawing inspiration from Emperor, Enslaved, Blut Aus Nord, and Modest Mussorgsky. Lyrical themes of isolation, alienation, the nature of being and death, and the pitfalls of modern society. Stylistically diverse while remaining rooted in Black Metal.  

And, quite frankly, it does exactly what it says on the tin. To a point.

First off, you cannot look at Fathomless as a bunch of different tracks put together under one banner, as that’s not what this is. It is, as it says, a continuous composition that should be treated in the same way you would treat a piece of classical music. This isn’t a concept album either, this is a composer laying his craft out in its entirety. The fact is that even if Fathomless wanted to release a track as a single or a promo, I don’t think they could, or at least I’d advise them they shouldn’t, due to the fact that removing a section from the piece would take away from the overall effect of the music. Kind of like shaving the mustache off The Laughing Cavalier.

Secondly, there is more to Fathomless than a litany of influences for Tyler Blake to work around. Where there are undoubtedly nods to all the bands that are mentioned in the press blurb, Fathomless is much, much more than a tribute act to things past. The best way I can describe it is that, to me at least, Fathomless are a progressive Black Metal band and I do mean progressive as in prog rock.

No, you won’t get any 20 minute keyboard solos, but Mr. Blake isn’t afraid to branch out beyond the normal confines of Black Metal and try new and different things.

There are times that Fathomless sounds as if it might just fall apart under the expectations it has placed on itself – though it never does – and there are moments when it feels a little rough around the edges, but overall this is a superb piece of work, and one I feel I – and hopefully you – will be exploring again and again.

You can get Fathomless’ debut album over on the Bandcamp Page.

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