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All The Saints are Dead by Dread Majesty

All the Saints are Dead by Dread Majesty is, quite honestly, on another level. It is a near seven minute piece of perfection that gorges itself on so many different styles and genres that I’m surprised it doesn’t explode due to its Baccanahlian excesses.

It starts with the kind of haunting vocals and music that have such a goth feel to them, I have no doubt that they sleep in coffins and dress in black in the hottest of weather.This in turns gives way to sprawling, epic power metal, mixed with some vicious blast-beats and black metal/death metal growls and on it’s journey it takes in as many stops along the genre highway as it can.

There are so many opposing influences on offer that it shouldn’t work. At fucking all.

Outside of the formentioned ones, All The Saints are Dead, and Dread Majesty themselves, are operatic, dark cabaret, stretched across a canvas of extreme metal, with layers so deep that you can hear the likes of Faith No More buried within the mix, and Ghost’s ability to spin a tune that enchants you from the opening notes. Once again, it shouldn’t work, but it fucking does.

The sound of Dread Majesty is so thick, so meaty, that you could slap it on a grill and feed a family of five for a month, and still have leftovers you could freeze, and if you like your metal to push boundaries, to try and mix styles together that you wouldn’t usually associate with each other, then All the Saints are Dead and Dread Majesty’s debut single is something I implore you to check out.

Find Dread Majesty on their website.

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