Karnstein’s The Blood Splattered Bride is a horror movie brought to life.
A horror movie that is full of pneumatic rhythms, spooky ass keyboards, guitar sounds that threaten to strangle you with their bare hands, and vocals that sound like Satan himself is trying to pass the largest bowel movement of all time, but a horror movie nontheless.
Imagine Driller Killer in human form and you’re heading down the right track.
This makes it hard to do justice to just how raw and over powering The Blood Splattered Bride is. It is so angry that I fully expected it to crawl out of my headphones and beat the shit out of me just for having the gaul to listen to it, but when you are telling the tale of revenge from beyond the grave you ain’t exactly gonna get away with music that is all sunshine and fucking rainbows now, are you?
And that’s why I love The Blood Splattered Bride.
I love it for its intensity. I love it because it scares the fuck out of me. I love it because somehow – and God knows how – the live version that accompanies it is even more fucking insane. And I love it because it shows that Karnstein aren’t afraid to write about shit nobody else wants to.
Join the Karnstein revolution and purchase The Blood Splattered Bride in all its gory glory over on their Bandcamp Page.