The history of Black Metal and politics hasn’t always been the best. Truth be told, if you know your Black Metal history you’ll know that such extreme music has, at times, attracted extreme people with extreme views, sadly tarnishing the reputation of the genre and making non-fans look at us as if we are all jackboot wearing fascists.
Fortunately we know better and in Order of the Wolf, we have a band that isn’t afraid to us Black Metal for the right political reasons of raging against the corrupt state that runs the country. In this case the UK and the former bastards that used to rule over us, with their killer track, A Plague on Conservative Houses.
This is pure anger, pure hatred, focused into a three minute thirty-eight second bullet of intensity that is loaded into a Black Metal gun and aimed at those who once held us in their iron grip. Musically and lyrically, Order of the Wolf take no prisoners, driving home their message with ferocity and malace and spitting venom with words like;
We don’t want to be governed by those slack jawed, out of touch, privileged white folk who occupy power — deplatform each and every one of them.
No gods! No masters!No more elected fascists!No gods! No masters!No more bigots in power!No gods! No masters!No public school bastards!No gods! No masters!No Conservative wankers!
This is a fucking call to arms, and even though the Tories crumbled into dust at the last election, A Plague on Conservative Houses is an anthem that takes aim at all politicians.
I’ve always believed that anyone who wants to be a politician should automatically be disqualified from becoming a politician as they aren’t doing it for the people, but for themselves, and it seems that in the Order of the Wolf we finally have a band to whom the words political Black Metal doesn’t need to be coated in the usual stigma that goes with it, and it’s a breath of fresh fucking air. Here is band reclaiming a subgenre and I’m behind them all the way.
Get A Plague on Conservative Houses, as well as all their other music, over on the Order of the Wolf Bandcamp Page.