I have had a shit day. One of those days that starts when you wake up and your brain is playing fucking Nickelback at you for some unknown bastard reason, all the way through your Ex spending every breath they have telling you how useless you are, while your beautiful children get mad for no reason and decide that they also hate the fucking sight of you kind of day.
In fact, today was such a fucking ball ache, I had resigned myself to writing it off, blowing out any work for the site, and just fucking off back to bed at the first opportunity. Fortunately for me, before I did that I had a quick saunter through the new releases on Bandcamp, as I do each day, and stumbled across Road to Nowhere by Towards Nothing and found the perfect record too match my foulest of moods.
Road to Nowhere is the perfect accompaniment for the most tortuous of days and has helped no end in elevating my mood from ‘I’ll kill you if you speak to me’ to a more sociable ‘If you speak to me, imma pluck your eyes out’. Road to Nowhere is an angry stomp through a desolate wasteland where murder is rampant, the human race is insane, and the elder one waits to consume us all for our selfish transgressions.
The music engulfs you, and it engulfs you from the start. Towards Nothing are a deafeaning and ear splitting wall of sound – at least it is if, like me, you play everything on 11 – with vocals that resonate with demonic energy and wash over you in an act of violence that you will quite happily be embraced by. It is a helter skelter, tilter whirl of a ride from start to finish, that will punch its way through the worst mood imaginable like a fucking jack hammer until you, even despite yourself, find yourself slamming around your front room like a one man (or woman) mosh pit.
Road to Nowhere is a wonderful find of an EP and one that will not so much chase your demons away, as it will cut their fucking heads off and shit down their necks.
You can get Road to Nowhere over on Towards Nothing’s Bandcamp Page.