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Scourge of Nocturnal Winds by Uurod

Not that long ago, I reviewed Uurod’s EP, Stench of Blood and Shadows, and was absolutely blown away by how good it was. You can read that review here, but the long and the short of it was I considered it;

like having your head jammed in a blender, that blender then filled to the brim with liquid concrete , and having the fucker jammed on, all the way up to 11. But in a good way.

I was also lucky enough to have a quick word with Uurod and told them I couldn’t wait to here what they did next, as I was so throughly smitten by their debut outing that I knew whatever followed had to be good. What I didn’t expect, however, was the follow up to Stench of Blood and Shadows, the wonderfully titled Scourge of Nocturnal Winds, to be this fucking good.

This is as close to classic Darkthrone as you can possibly get without actually being classic Darkthrone. Now, don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying that Uurod has just copy and pasted Darkthrone’s style, because they haven’t, at all. What they have done instead, is capture the raw aggression and powerful yet desolate spirit of Darkthrone in a bottle and drank that shit down.

Every single track on Scourge of Nocturnal Winds has it spliced into its DNA, but every single track sounds uniquely Uurod from start to finish. It is quicker than lightning, more powerful than thunder, and sung with such ferocity that it threatens to crawl out of your speakers like Sadako and peel the flesh from your bones just because it fucking can.This is the music of the damned, those howling at the madness surrounding them while their own insanity grips forces them into a twisted macabre dance, and it is fucking glorious.

I cannot emphasis how much I love Scourge of Nocturnal Winds, and I cannot begin to explain why Uurod deserves to be on the lips of every black metal fan, but they fucking do.

Do yourself a favour, head on over to their Bandcamp Page and get yourself a copy of this instant black metal classic for whatever you feel you need to pay. Uurod needs to be overground sooner rather than later, and it is our duty to make it happen.

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