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Review: An Oath Sealed In Blood by Imperium Evocandi

There are a few ways that Mondays can be made more bearable. You could not have to work, or someone could give you a million pounds, or you could discover a band that you’d never been aware of before and instantly become obsessed with. Well, as I’m having to do the first because the second still hasn’t happened yet, I was lucky enough to find the third while rummaging around on Bandcamp for more music to review.

The band in question are called Imperium Evocandi. The two track EP (single?) is called An Oath Sealed In Blood. And, as I previously alluded to, it is my new favorite thing in the world, and it’s only Monday.

The first track, Throne of Chaos, is so aggressive and so confrontational that it would probably start a fight in the middle of a supermarket if you looked at it funny. It is driving, it is relentless, it is balls to the fucking wall, and it has a guitar hook that runs throughout that is so damn catchy that it’ll be stuck in your head for days. It’s partner in crime, Upon the Path of Thorns, carries on the blitzkrieg with a blast-beat so vicious it threatens to tear your fucking face off, while the guitar riffs are so monstrously big and drapped in darkness that if they were the creature hiding under your bed, they’d sneak out in the middle of the night and fucking eat you without a second thought. All of this musical GBH is topped off by a vocal delivery that obviously hates you, anyone that looks like you, anyone you owe money to, your entire family, and quite possibly your cat.

An Oath Sealed In Blood is a statement. It is Imperium Evocandi saying “Here we are. You’re either with us or you can fuck off.” And I, for one, am definitely lashing myself to the mast and screaming in the face of Satan as Imperium Evocandi sails their boat straight into the mouth of Hell.

You can buy An Oath Sealed In Blood by Imperium Evocandi over on their Bandcamp page.

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