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Review: Deus by Molh

If you are a regular reader of the Black Metal Archives, you’ll know that I review a lot of different extreme metal genres. I am as much at home listening to complex pieces with a myriad of time changes as I am listening to music that is so raw and emotional that it leaves a ragged wound on your flesh at the end of the record. I love all of these variations equally and am always amazed by how black metal and extreme metal is quite happy to throw of the shackles of its past and branch out into something new, but sometimes, sometimes, I need a band to come along, grab me by the throat, and choke the ever loving shit out of me. Ladies and gentlemen, that band is Molh and their new release, Deus, is here to rip your head off your shoulders and piss down your neck.

This is the definition of fucking brutal black metal. It is black metal in its purist form and it doesn’t fuck around, going straight for your jugular from the opening track and not taking its teeth out of your throat until you are bled out on the floor. Deus is what I imagine it would be like to get caught in an asteriod storm, if all those asteriods were pissed off, drunk, and spoiling for a fight. Oh, and the entire scrap just happens to be taking place in Hell. And Hell is really fucking angry.

Deus is an assault on the senses that takes your hatred by the hand and says “Hey there. Let’s go fuck some shit up.” There isn’t anything about this record I don’t love. The drumming is fucking insane, the guitars tear through you like a firing squad, and the vocals spit in your face, kick you in the balls, and then asks you how it felt. Too which the only correct answer is “Thank you, sir. Can I have some more.”

Molh is a band that sound so familiar, but at the same time are almost impossible to place. You could make a case that they have the same vibe as the classic Black Metal bands – such as Mayhem and early Darkthrone – but they are so much more than that, that I feel it does them a disservice to pigeon hole them. Molh are the future of pure black metal and Deus is a sonic statement that they are here and here to stay.

Check out Deus by Molh over on their Bandcamp Page and be prepared to have your fucking face torn off.

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